About the course

Are you in need of career clarity?

You're not alone.

One of the biggest things that holds so many of us back from making a change in our careers, is the fear we'll get it wrong. We spend so much time worrying we'll make the wrong move that we end up staying exactly where we are.

This inevitably leaves us feeling confused, frustrated and stuck.

What we crave and what we really need is clarity.

That is what this course will give you.

In Create Career Clarity, you’ll be taken on a learning journey that will help you to rethink your career from the inside-out.

The entire curriculum is designed to help you move forward away from confusion, boredom, fear and uncertainty. You'll receive the knowledge and practical tools necessary to move you from confusion to clarity and into action.

You will learn what you want and need from your career – as well as what you don’t want – so you can create a career that works for you.

By the end of this course you will know:

  1. How to create a values-aligned career
  2. How to protect and maximise your most important resources
  3. How to move from confusion to clarity and into action
  4. How to rethink your career from the inside-out

Scroll down to the Course Curriculum for further details on what we cover in the course.

Meet your instructor


I’m Monique Shaw, the creator of Create Career Clarity and your personal guide from confusion to clarity and into action.

I’m a career coach, writer, podcaster and brand expert and I run a business called Rewrite, helping people to rewrite their old stories to create careers, businesses and lives that work.

Our stories shape our lives ... and we can rewrite them.

I achieved career success in the corporate world as a brand, marketing and business development leader - but although things looked great on the outside, I'd become increasingly unsatisfied on the inside.

After becoming a parent, I craved a deeper sense of purpose in my work and a different lifestyle.

When I turned 40, I took the plunge and rewrote my career story, quit my job and launched Rewrite.

Now I help other frustrated professionals to rewrite their career stories too.

Originally from Australia, I live in London with my husband, young son and 2 rescue pooches.

I work with people from all over the world rewriting career stories and would love to help you rewrite your story too.

Whatever your story is, whatever you want it to be, you can rewrite it!

Price and what's included ...

Ready for clarity?

I've worked with frustrated professionals all over the world, helping them to get unblocked and unstuck in their careers.

I've taken everything I know about moving from confusion to clarity - both as a career coach and as a formally frustrated professional myself - and created this course for you.

If you're ready to get unstuck, get clarity and get ready to take action in your career - this is the course for you.