Are you ready for clarity?

Great! Because by the end of this course, you will have moved from career confusion to career clarity and be ready to take action to get where you want to be in your career.

You will learn how to:

  • Create a values-aligned career
  • Protect and maximise your most valuable resources
  • Move from confusion to clarity and into action
  • Rethink your career from the inside-out

Too often, we focus our efforts on what we need to change externally to be happy in our careers (our job title, our employer, our industry etc). But this is a short-term and often ineffective approach. If we only focus on the external, we miss the opportunity to connect with what is actually missing and what we really need.

Let me explain…

Say you’re overworked and close to burn out.

You decide that the answer is a new job.

Now, it may well be that your current workplace has unhealthy practices around workloads: they celebrate presenteeism, normalise long working hours and push their employees to the limits.

But what's also probably happening is you have poor boundaries around your time and energy and a tendency to put work and other people’s needs before your own.

If that’s the case, a new job title, employer or industry won’t fix that.

A new job only changes the outside, it doesn’t change how you manage your boundaries or deal with external demands on your time.

To create real change you need to work from the inside-out, starting with who you are and what you need. This is exactly what we're going to do in this course.

Once you do that, figuring out what to do next in your career becomes clear.

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