About Rewrite Your Career Story

So many of us who are ambitious and career-focused can find ourselves feeling stuck, burnt out or even bored.

Sometimes it creeps up on us over time and other times it’s the result of a major life change that completely alters our perspective. Either way, when it does happen, we’re left feeling professionally frustrated and unfulfilled.

Whatever your current career story is, professional fulfilment is possible and doesn’t need to be at the expense of personal fulfilment.

The key is to understand your unique gifts and deepest needs, imagine what your life would look like if anything was possible, and then get out of your own way so you can implement the actions needed to get there.

Rewrite Your Career Story is my complete career coaching programme - covering everything from values, time management and boundaries, to personal brand, skills, our inner critic and habit forming.

It goes right to the heart of who you are and what you need from your career and your life and then, step-by-step, builds up a road map to a new career story grounded in your ultimate ambition and purpose.

Monique Shaw - Founder of Re/Write

Meet your instructor


I’m Monique Shaw, the creator of Rewrite Your Career Story and your personal guide to rewriting your career story from the inside-out.

I’m a career coach, writer, podcaster and brand expert and I run a business called Rewrite, helping people to rewrite their old stories to create careers, businesses and lives that work.

Our stories shape our lives ... and we can rewrite them.

I achieved career success in the corporate world as a brand, marketing and business development leader - but although things looked great on the outside, I'd become increasingly unsatisfied on the inside.

After becoming a parent, I craved a deeper sense of purpose in my work and a different lifestyle.

When I turned 40, I took the plunge and rewrote my career story, quit my job and launched Rewrite.

Now I help other frustrated professionals to rewrite their career stories too.

Originally from Australia, I live in London with my husband, young son and 2 rescue pooches.

I work with people from all over the world rewriting career stories and would love to help you rewrite your story too.

Whatever your story is, whatever you want it to be, you can rewrite it!

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 1. The Life Audit: Your Current Story
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 2. The Brand Review: Your Brand Story
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 3. The Change: Your Way Forward
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 4. The Rewrite: Your New Story
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Congratulations! The End: Your Beginning
Available in days
days after you enroll
Rewrite Your Career Story Part 1
Part 1: Your Life Audit

In Part 1 we explore Your Current Story. We go deep into what led you to where you are right now in your life and career; assess and analyse your values and the different areas of your life and roles you play; and take a look at purpose and your inner critic.

Rewrite Your Career Story Programme - Part 2
Part 2: The Brand Review

In Part 2 we explore Your Brand Story. You will identify, explore and audit all of your skills; understand and review your current personal brand; and then shape and define your new personal brand that is aligned to the career story you want to write.

Rewrite Your Career Story - Part 3
Part 3: The Rewrite

In Part 3 you write Your New Story. This is a highly action-focused part of the programme where you will do visioning and big-picture thinking, define what is inside and outside of your 'sacred circle' and then plan your entire Rewrite Action Plan.

Rewrite Your Career Story - Part 4
Part 4: The Change

In Part 4 we establish Your Way Forward.To mitigate the barriers and challenges to your success, we will revisit your inner critic and explore the importance of mindset, as well as rituals, new habits and accountability.

Price and what's included ...