About your instructor

Hello and welcome...

I'm Monique Shaw, Founder of Re/Write and your guide throughout this programme.

Before we begin, I wanted to share a little bit about my story with you...

The Rewrite Your Career Story programme is the result of almost two decades of professional and personal experiences across multiple cities and industries, peppered with an unrelenting obsession for learning and personal development. I'm a transformational coach, writer, brand strategist, marketer, facilitator and an entrepreneur. Running throughout my entire career is a deep belief in the power of our stories and how they can be harnessed to connect, inspire and transform our careers, lives and businesses.

For over a decade, I worked in the corporate world developing brand, marketing, communication and sales strategies for business leaders and teams. I didn’t actually step into an office until I was 26. My early working life was saturated in the arts – I studied Art at university, I managed the Front of House at a much-loved indie cinema in my hometown of Perth, Western Australia, I participated in art exhibitions, I wrote and styled photoshoots for a local magazine. Mostly though, I was directionless and unsure of what the future held.

And so I wrote a new story.

I travelled the world, organised graduation ceremonies in the North of England, discovered the marketing profession, moved to London and (fast forward a little) wound up running a global brand & marketing team at a large international firm and sitting in boardrooms in London, Hong Kong, Milan and New York City.

Along the way, I also learnt how to rewrite my career story without pivoting out of it. I became a master at career navigation – getting 4 promotions in 4 years and tripling my salary in 7.

And then I wrote another story.

I founded Re/Write in 2020 because I wanted to shape a more fulfilled, balanced and creative life for myself that was closer to my purpose – to help others rewrite their stories so they too could have careers and lives that were professionally and personally fulfilling.

I have taken the approaches, tools and lessons that have helped me to create, navigate and rewrite a very successful professional career and distilled them into this programme for you.

It’s logical, it’s simple, it’s tried and tested and it is transformational. This is not a career rewrite programme about making you more money or getting you all the way to the top (although they are fair and reasonable ambitions) – this programme is about rewriting your career story so you create success and achieve your ambitions in a way that brings you real fulfilment professionally and personally. It's about happier success.

It is based three fundamental truths:

  1. Stories are powerful – and so is rewriting them
  2. People can rewrite their story, whenever and however they want, to create the life and career they want
  3. Success and fulfilment are personal, subjective and changeable

Whatever your career story is now, whatever you want it to be, you can rewrite it.

Good luck and enjoy this exciting journey!

Monique x

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