About your instructor

About your instructor

Before we begin, I wanted to share a little bit about my story with you...

Hello, I'm Monique Shaw, Founder of Re/Write and your guide on this journey from confusion, to clarity and into action.

These days I work as a transformational coach, course creator, writer, brand story consultant and podcaster - all under the banner of Re/Write.

I designed my business and career to fit with the way I wanted to work and live. That means using the skills I love and helping the people I most want to positively impact. It also means plenty of freedom to be creative, walk the dogs and do the school run.

Before Re/Write, I spent 14 years working in the corporate world developing brand, marketing, communication and sales strategies for business leaders and teams.

I didn’t actually step into an office until I was 26 though. Throughout the majority of my 20s I often felt directionless and unsure of what the future held.

And so I wrote a new story.

I travelled the world, discovered the marketing profession, organised graduation ceremonies in the North of England, moved to London and (fast forward a little…. like, a decade) wound up running a global brand & marketing team at a large international firm and sitting in boardrooms in London, Hong Kong, Milan and New York City.

By external standards, I had ‘made it’.

Along the way, I'd also learnt how to rewrite my career story without pivoting out of it and became a master at career navigation – getting multiple promotions and significantly growing my salary.

But I wasn't fulfilled - I wanted more.

And then I wrote another story.

I founded Re/Write in 2020. My vision was to shape a more fulfilling and creative life for myself and, in doing so, help other frustrated professionals rewrite their stories so they too could shape careers and lives that were professionally and personally fulfilling.

I've taken the approaches, tools and lessons that helped me to navigate a successful professional career – and then create a fulfilling and me-shaped life – and distilled them into the courses in the Rewrite School. Each course is logical, simple, tried & tested, and transformational.

Whatever your story is now and whatever you want it to be, you can rewrite it. Starting right now!

Good luck and enjoy this exciting journey.

Monique x

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